Broadland Gate
Broadland Gate is a development of 48 acres of serviced land – the site has been developed in Plots and is now home to names like LNT, LIDL, Norfolk Development Land, Norfolk Constabulary and the award winning GRIDSERVE Electric Forecourt.
Working on behalf of the UK Power Solutions, CLM have supported the gas and electricity connections, by facilitating the land consents to each plot. Our role remains ongoing but so far we have driven through the completion of 9 agreements; a mixture of Deeds of Easement and substation Leases.
The adopting network is Last Mile Gas and Last Mile Electricity.
website for more info
Noss on Dart Marina and Boatyard
The project involved the connection of a 33/11kV substation to the DNO’s 33kV overhead line network for a major redevelopment of the Noss on Dart Marina and Boatyard.
CLM worked with multiple parties to agree Heads of Terms for the connection within third party land, agreeing a consideration payment which was both reasonable and acceptable to the end client.
The adopting network is Western Power Distribution.
Brentford Waterside
CLM were delighted to accept instruction from UK Power Solutions to acquire rights for a new 11kV substation on behalf of an IDNO. The 4.79-hectare waterside site in London has seen the development of 900 new homes as well as introduce a new commercial and retail destination. Retaining several heritage buildings and thoroughfares, the project showcases a sensitive response to the need for development whilst introducing a new lease of life to the area.
The CLM team worked closely with the end client and navigated the complex ownerships and planning restrictions, acting under the incorporated rights process to ensure both the interests of the DNO and IDNO were dealt with on time. This allowed the client to complete the first elements of their development without delay.
The adopting network is Last Mile Electricity.
website for more info
Wembley Park
In 2002 Quintain purchased an 85 acre site called Wembley Park. Working in collaboration with the London Borough of Brent, Quintain have developed over 8,400 new homes, creating 8,640 job in addition to the construction jobs. The site has brought the land surrounding Wembley Stadium alive, with residential and commercial developments and is home to London Designer Outlet, Brent Civic Centre, Emerald Gardens, Box Park, The National Theatre and a new Primary School. CLM have been privileged to be involved in this site since our launch and have supported UK Power Solutions through numerous connections within this development.
The connections have sometimes been complex, involving cable diversions and reinforcements which have involved CLM working with UK Power Solutions to prioritise completion of some consents to ensure parts of the development programme did not become delayed. So far, CLM have supported UKPS by facilitating over 30 land consents.
The adopting networks are Cadent Gas, UK Power Networks, ESP Electricity, Last Mile Electricity and Last Mile Gas.
(website for more info
SEGRO Logistics Park East Midlands Gateway
SEGRO Logistics Park East Midlands Gateway is a 700 acre development of logistics accommodation. CLM Director, Laura Wilson first visited this site when the main contractor had just started clearing the land to make way for the first phases of the development.
Working with Matrix Networks Limited, CLM were instructed initially to review route options from the point of connection. Once potential routes had been fully reviewed and land owners established, CLM were instructed to start negotiations with several third party landowners along the chosen incoming cable route. This involved CLM obtaining land consents from Network Rail and Canals and Rivers Trust, together with permits from the Environment Agency, as well as the normal Deeds of Easement from private landowners. It was important CLM worked with Matrix Networks to ensure focus remained on the offsite consents being obtained and thankfully this happened ahead of the new primary substation requiring energisation.
CLM have since gone on to work more closely with the developer to complete numerous separate agreements for the high voltage network serving each Plot.
The adopting network is UK Power Distribution.
(website for more info
Waitrose Comely Bank, Edinburgh, EH4 1AW
Working on behalf of ENVEVO, CLM were able to review the Scottish register to confirm the presence of an existing servitude within third party land. This allowed ENVEVO to instruct the DNO to undertake the offsite works without the project being unnecessarily delayed by the need to acquire new land rights.
The adopting network is SP Energy Networks.
GRIDSERVE Moto Wetherby
As part of CLM’s ongoing role with GRIDSERVE, we have worked with them to have their eighth Electric Super Hub connected. CLM’s role has been to work on behalf of GRIDSERVE to develop a strategy with the host distribution network operator for obtaining land consents as efficiently and effectively as possible. For this site, CLM obtained a wayleave and Licence to Occupy.
The adopting network is NPG.
(website for more info
Halewick Battery Storage Site
The project involved the laying of 33kV cable from the Point of Connection at a UKPN substation, to a new Battery Storage Site. CLM worked with the client to investigate the route options by identifying landowners, contacting them and their agents and representative to open discussions to understand the feasibility of the route. In addition, we also carried out highways searches to ensure that alternative options were available.
Data Centre, Slough
CLM worked with the client to identify alternative routing options for the cable required to provide supplies to a Data Centre. In addition to identifying landowners and negotiating the required land consents, we were also involved in arranging access rights for surveys to take place across private land for the proposed directional drill works.
Filton Airfield
CLM worked with the ICP, the developer, multiple landowners, their solicitors, the DNO and the IDNO to find the most straightforward solution for consenting the necessary cable easements, new substation and access for the both the IDNO and DNO to provide supplies to this large multipurpose ‘neighbourhood’ development consisting of a new stadium arena, creative workspaces, shops, bars, cafes, restaurants, community facilities and approximately 6,500 new homes.
Link Park Data Centre
CLM were requested to undertake a Route proving exercise in order to determine if a HV Cable route would fall in adopted highway along several different route options between the Site and the HV Point of connection. Within this exercise, we submitted several Highways search requests that covered all of the requested routes and investigated title registers and title plans from the Land Registry website. Once all of our searches were returned and reviewed, our CAD team then produced a route proving title overlay plan which shows our client the extent of cable falling within adopted highway and any third party land, both Freehold and/or Leasehold. These plans also highlight who the Landowners are so we are able to make early contact. We identified several third party landowners which was critical in the early stages of this development leading us to provide the most suitable route option available.
CLM were requested to help identify whether HV cable and Gas pipe would fall in adopted highway between the site and the HV / Gas points of Connection. We were also asked to identify any landowners that would be affected by Horizontal Directional Drilling to be undertaken underneath the A1. In order for us to complete this, we submitted several Highway search requests and investigated landownership, keeping the client updated with any costs and timescale changes. We produced two high quality route proving title overlay plans which clearly identified any third party involvement on either the Gas or Electric routes.
Steam House
Having undergone extensive redevelopment to house a collaborative community and business growth, the Steamhouse initiative is proud to be breathing new life back into the Belmont Works factory. The Impressive Steamhouse Building, which opened early 2022 at c.100,000 square feet boasts five storeys of state-of the-art facilities delivering office space and business support activities to a community of small to mid-sized enterprises and larger businesses and organisations, creating a hive of collaborative activity.
Working on behalf of UK Power Solutions, and with 3 separate landowners, CLM have supported the electricity connections, by facilitating the substation Lease agreement.
(website for more info
York Community Football Stadium
Marking CLM’s first ENC/NPG Incorporated agreement, saw 3 combined Substations, spread over 2 Lease agreements with separate Landowners for the new, York Community Football Stadium. The stadium is the proud hub of an entertainment complex which includes the new 8500 capacity stadium, Swimming pool and Leisure Centre and Community Centre, Bowling Alley and cinema.
Getrag Ford
A new LEEP Primary Substation Compound completed with Ford and Jaguar for the new Ford engine plant which is scheduled to become one of the main factories in Europe that Ford produce electric engines for new cars. This also included an Onwards SPEN Close Coupled Lease between Leep, Ford, Jaguar and SPEN. As this was a complex site, this required weekly Teams calls between the iDNO, DNO, all Landowners, iDNO’s solicitors and the Landowner’s solicitors.,-development-and-manufacturing/ford-takes-full-control-halewood-transmission
Harworth South
The A19 Business Park is one of the largest mixed-use estates in North Yorkshire, compromising around 62,000 sq ft of office and warehouse accommodation over a total space of 104 acres. The new mixed use commercial/Industrial estate on the outskirts of Doncaster included 3 iDNO Substations each under their own Leases. It also included an iDNO Deed of Grant of Easement within third party land, and a DNO Deed of Grant of Easement between the iDNO and the DNO. The iDNO third party Deed required negotiating a consideration fee and agreeing an optimum route with the third party for the cable within their land.
South Quay Plaza
The new South Quay Plaza is a landmark development designed to maximise space in the 2.6 acres of gardens that surround it. Located just a few moments from Canary Wharf, London’s new lifestyle quarter, the residential development includes a private gym, swimming pool and cinema and developed by Berkeley Developments. The project involved 1x EPNL Chamber Lease and 1 chamber, complex land ownership issues and consents (including from TFL and the DLR) as it sits atop the Elizabeth Line. Legal Plans required complex drafting to avoid hitting third party titles (mainly TFL and DLR land).
Redsun Aviator
Redsun was founded in 2008 and has delivered over 1 million square feet of commercial floorspace across the Northwest, West Midlands and North Wales. This new major industrial development in Ellesmere Port included a single LME/SPEN incorporated Lease, which had to have a lot of bespoke drafting to avoid negotiations with a third party who were unresponsive. It also included a SPEN only Deed of Grant of Easement between SPEN and the Landowner so that SPEN could take use of reserved rights allowing them to use a private road, owned by the third party.
Gridserve Hilton Park North
Working on behalf of GRIDSERVE, CLM created the legal plan and issued the Networks standard wayleave agreement to MOTO for signature. There are 4 devices and 6 connectors available at Hilton Park Services (North). The charge points are operated under the GRIDSERVE Electric Highway network.
Gridserve Washington North & South
Working on behalf of GRIDSERVE, CLM completed two lease agreements over the new NPG substation and incoming HV cable. An Indemnity policy was required over the unregistered land and an offsite third-party wayleave with the local council was also actioned. There are 10 devices and 15 connectors available at Washington Services A1(M) (South). The charge points are operated under the GRIDSERVE Electric Highway network.
Stagecoach Inverness
Stagecoach are In the process of introducing the UK’s first all-electric city bus networks in Inverness and Perth from the end of 2022 and early 2023 respectively. The 13.9 million GBP investment in 38 new all-electric buses is partially funded by the Scottish government’s Zero Emission Bus Challenge Fund (ScotZEB), which aims to support Scotland’s target to achieve net zero by 2045. CLM working on behalf of Envevo, completed on the lease for the new substation and small section of HV cable.
Burton Lane
More large affordable homes in a proposed residential estate in a Hertfordshire village was agreed in order to meet the surrounding community’s needs. Working on behalf of Last Mile, CLM worked with UKPN to determine their legal requirements and navigated design changes which altered the plan for the easement and wayleaves and also sought plan approval from all parties.
The Glebe
Agreement types – UKPD Deed, Third Party WPD wayleave and WPD construction licence with the council (completed by Mike).
Site type – Supported housing for adults with learning disabilities
The Glebe is a registered provider of living accommodation for people who require personal care. CLM completed the UKPD Deed as well as the Third Party WPD wayleave and WPD construction licence with the council, having determined their legal requirements and managed negotiations on what type of agreement to progress with between parties.
Bolder Academy
CLM, working on behalf of Matrix Networks, completed on a UKPD Deed of Easement with and an SSE substation lease. The electricity supply was to a new non-denominational, mixed secondary school in Hounslow, London. The end client was the Secondary of State for Housing Communities and Local Government.
Hounsome Fields
This is a large ongoing residential development in Hampshire being developed by Linden Homes, part of the Vistry Group. CLM have so far completed the substation Transfers for Phases 1 and 2, the Gas PRI Transfer for Phase 1 and the substation Transfer for Phase 2. CLM are currently progressing separate deeds of easement for Last Mile and SSE for Phase 3.
The adopting network is Last Mile Electricity.
Everton Stadium
CLM were delighted to be instructed to assist in the securing of the new land right agreements for the new Everton Football Stadium being built on the Bramley Moore Docks in Liverpool. Negotiations on the relevant agreements are progressing well with all parties making positive steps to ensure the agreements are complete in an efficient manner. The initial agreement relating to the primary substation is nearing completion and allowing the landowner and other parties to focus on the daily construction of the stadium. The Bramley-Moore Dock stadium is predicted to generate a £1bn boost to the city’s economy. It will create 15,000 jobs and attract 1.4m extra visitors to the city each year, and CLM are proud to be a part of this amazing opportunity.
Exeter University Campus Accommodation
Just 10 minutes from Exeter city centre, Glenthorpe Road is Exeter’s newest purpose-built accommodation for students, situated adjacent to the University of Exeter’s main campus.
CLM’s involvement comprised of working with the landowner and a private trust in order to secure the necessary land rights for a combined substation and gas deed.
The adopting network is Last Mile.
Northfields School
This project provides a new home for the Orion Academy, which is one of six SEND schools in Oxfordshire operated by The Gallery Trust, built on the site of the former Northfield School on Knights Road.
This project involved many stakeholders including Oxford City Council and Oxford County Council plus the Department for Education and the landowner. CLM worked with the network solicitor to secure a substation lease with bespoke covenants for the two councils.
The adopting network is Last Mile.
Wellington Hotel
The Wellington Hotel rejuvenated a whole block (within the Covent Garden Conservation Area), spanning six adjacent buildings, three of which are Grade II Listed.
CLM worked together with the network solicitor to obtain a substation lease in a central London location.
The adopting network is Last Mile.
The Grain Store
63 High Street
Connections Legal Management Ltd, The Grain Store, 63 High Street, Ketton, Stamford, PE9 3TE. Registration number 09183264. Copyright © All Rights Reserved